Victoria Friday Night Special


Whether you are new to sailing, looking for a way to get on the water and learn some new skills, or a novice skipper, looking for a gentle introduction to racing on the Waitemata Harbour, the Friday Night Special is for you.  Come and join us during the summer for our fun Friday races.

Briefing Fri 11 Oct ’24
Race 1 Fri 18 Oct ’24 Race 5 Fri 06 Dec ’24
Race 2 Fri 01 Nov ’24 Race 6 Fri 13 Dec ’24
Race 3 Fri 08 Nov ’24 Race 7 Fri 17 Jan ’25
Fri 31 Jan ’25
Race 4 Fri 22 Nov ’24 Race 8 Fri 31 Jan ’25
Fri 14 Feb ’25
Skippers and crews should be on their boats by 1730 (1745 at absolute latest!).
The “gun” (race start) is at 1830.

Thanks to:

Is the Friday Night Special for me?

The short answer is, “Yes!”

The long answer is, that the Friday Night Special is for:

  • People that have little or no sailing experience, but are keen to try racing around the buoys on the beautiful Waitemata Harbour. See “Crew” below.
  • Experienced sailors who wish to get more sailing in, or to try sailing on different boats with different skippers. See “Crew” below.
  • Boat owners keen to experience racing in a less aggressive environment than other race series. See “Skippers” below.


Who’s crew? Will I be crew?

Crew is everyone on a boat apart from the skipper!

How does the Friday Night Special work for crew?

Sign up below using the “Join up!” button. The total cost of $330 includes 1-year membership to Richmond Yacht Club ($140 on its own) and the cost of the Friday Night Special itself ($190). To take part in the Friday Night Special, you need to be a member of RYC.

Each race, we’ll allocate you to a different boat, ranging from 26ft to 44ft. You’ll get to experience different boats, different crewmates and different skippers.

After each race, there is a short seminar at the RYC clubrooms: you’ll learn about topics ranging from names of boat parts, to how to tie knots and how to trim sails. The bar is open and the kitchen serves Westhaven’s finest burgers!

This is a great opportunity to meet people, including skippers! We encourage crew members to let skippers know if they are available to crew for races outside of the Friday Night Special series (skippers are always on the lookout for keen and reliable crew for summer races on Wednesdays, and winter races on Sundays).


The series provides a chance to experience racing your boat on the harbour in a relaxed and slower-paced environment. Use it as a lead-up to tackling the big fleets of the Wednesday Night Series.  We can help you out with crew when you are ready.

See and hear what it’s all about