Guided Walk: Historic Motuihe Island

Guided Walk: Historic Motuihe Island

Sunday 7th October 2018
As part of the Auckland Heritage Festival, there is an open invite for a free guided heritage walk on Motuihe Island.  Bookings essential:  Email to advise numbers attending for guiding purposes.  Tour will depart approx. 11.00am  from the kiosk area for approx. 1.5hrs after a short welcome and health & safety briefing.  Please bring:  Lunch, warm clothes, a raincoat, sturdy shoes or boots and a change of shoes.  (Please ensure footwear are thoroughly cleaned and bags are checked for ants/rodents and closed to meet biosecurity requirements).  Tea/Coffee will be available (cash required).  Cancellation notice:  0800 MOTUIHE (0800 668844) after 7am on 7th October.  Rain date: 4th November.  Transport:  Own vessel or bookings via Fullers 09-3679111

The guided heritage tour will include olive groves, 1918 Spanish Flu graveyards, sites of WWI internment camp, tales of Count Felix Von Luckner, and the HMNZS Tamaki training station.  A guided restoration walk will be available early afternoon for those who wish to view the native plant nursery and restoration planted areas.